Hughes Elementary School
Title I Targeted Assistance Parent
Involvement Policy
Our Vision
Part I: Policy Involvement
Part II: Share Responsibilities for our building
Part III: Building Capacity for Involvement
Part IV: Accessibility
Our Vision
Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. When a connection and partnership in education are formed cooperatively, positive results happen. High student achievement, a reduction in absenteeism and improved behavior are developed between parents and staff.
Part I- Policy Involvement
The Hughes Elementary Title I Assistance Parent Involvement Policy was created as a collaborative effort between parents and staff. Parents play a key role in development of this policy and we continue to utilize their feedback and suggestions in order to update and improve our Title I program.
Hughes Elementary will convene two annual Title I meetings per school year.
Hughes Elementary School will:
Hold an annual targeted assistance Title I Meeting in the Fall and Spring
The purpose of these meetings will be to share the Title I Targeted Assistance Plan, review the School Parent Involvement Policy, and to explain our Title I Program and how parents can be involved to help their child be successful.
Parents will be notified of the meetings through a written note and reminder note, along with phone reminders.
Our second meeting will be informational and generated as a family fun themed night. Families will be provided with materials for home, such as, books, writing materials and suggestions for family reading within their homes.
Hughes Elementary will offer flexible meeting times, locations, and varied activities designed to support and encourage the involvement of all parents:
Open House/Curriculum Nights
Parent Workshops (daycare provided)
Parent/Teacher Conferences
PCO Activities (meetings, fun fair, science fair, movie nights, etc.)
Flexible IEP times
March Is Reading: Family Fun Night
Field Trips
Scholastic Book Fairs
Accelerated Reader Awards Assembly in Spring
Contact with intervention specialists and counselor
Classroom Volunteers
Hughes Elementary will Involve parents in planning, reviewing, and improving the targeted assistance Title I program, including the School and District Parent Involvement Policy.
Hughes Elementary will ensure the involvement of parents in planning and reviewing the Targeted Assistance Title I program by:
Reviewing the School Parent Involvement Policy at the first Title I parent meeting of the year
Posting the parent Involvement Policy for parents to review during November Parent Teacher conferences (located in the school office)
Reviewing and distributing Parent Compact at the parent conferences and the beginning of a student’s program
Conducting Parent surveys at the parent/teacher conferences and at the end of the school year
A yearlong process of reviewing and revising the Parent Involvement Policy to incorporate suggestions based on the Parent Survey results
Holding a Title I meeting twice a year to review the Title I program, Parent Involvement Policy and ask for suggestions for improvement
Hughes Elementary will provide timely information about the Targeted Assistance Title I Program, the academic curriculum, assessments used to measure progress, and grade level expectations.
Hughes Elementary School will provide timely information through:
Annual Title I meetings
Fall Curriculum Nights/Open-House
Parent Conferences (November and February/ and additional conferences upon parent request)
School/Classroom Newsletters/District Newsletters
Progress Reports and Report Cards
Home visits (GRSP Preschool)
District Web Site - Policy
Parent Workshop (children included)
Telephone calls/E-mail correspondence
Parent-Student Handbook
Hughes Elementary will provide parents the opportunity to interact with teachers regarding the education of their children, include parents in the decision making process and utilize their suggestions for improvement and revise the Targeted Assistance Plan to meet student and parent needs, and share revisions with appropriate administrators and stakeholders.
Hughes Elementary School will provide parents an opportunity to interact with their children’s school by:
Conduct a Parent Survey in the winter/spring for all parents
Hold a Title I meeting in the beginning / spring school year to review the Title I program, parent involvement policy, and ask for suggestions for improvement.
Provide parents with a short survey so they may provide feedback on the program both in a written and verbal format. These suggestions will be used to revise the Parent Involvement Policy, when appropriate
Parent conferences November and February with additional conferences upon parent request
Telephone Calls/E-mail correspondence between parents, teachers and school
Part II: Share Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement
Hughes Elementary will develop jointly with parents and teachers a School/Parent/Student Compact. The compact will outline ways in which the parents, school staff, and students will work together to ensure high student academic achievement.
The compact will be reviewed and discussed during fall and winter parent-teacher conferences.
Marshall Public Schools have developed a School/Parent/Student Compact.
The Parent/Teacher/Student compact was developed by the school district leaders, parents, and teachers
The compact is reviewed and given to all parents, teachers, and students serviced. (Beginning of the child’s individual program throughout the year.) Teachers discuss how the compact relates to the success on each individual child. This ensures a strong home/school connection and allows all stakeholders to have a voice.
Provide frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress
Hughes Elementary School will provide various academic reports to parents
Reports cards (November, February, June)
Parent Teacher Conferences (additional conferences available upon request)
Progress Reports (November, February, and June)
Hughes Elementary will afford parents reasonable access to staff and provide opportunities for parents to volunteer, participate, and observe in their child’s classroom.
Hughes Elementary School encourages parents to participate in the following activities:
PCO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Special Event Volunteers
Chaperones for field trips
Media Center helpers
Classroom Observation Upon Request
Classroom Volunteers
Hughes Elementary will provide frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress.
Hughes Elementary School will provide the following academic reports to parents:
Report cards: November, February, April and June
M-STEP results
Phone calls/E-mails
Parent Teacher Conferences in November and February (or as needed)
Home visits (as needed)
Hughes Elementary will provide parents of participating Title I children a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. Assessments used to measure academic progress include:
Fountas and Pinnell (guided reading)
MLPP (Literacy assessments and benchmarks)
District (Eureka) Math standards
STAR Reading
Accelerated Reading
District Writing Standards
Part III: Building Capacity for Involvement
Hughes Elementary will provide information and assistance to parents regarding the state and local academic standards and assessments:
To ensure that parents are informed about academic standards and assessments, Hughes Elementary School will provide the following:
Parent Conferences: November, February, and (June conferences available upon request)
Local assessment information (M-STEP, district benchmark assessments) shared with parents at conferences
Students receiving additional assistance will be progress monitored on a biweekly basis depending on student need. Information will be shared with parents when appropriate.
Literacy Interventionists will available at conferences to provide information and answer questions about assessments
Hughes will provide materials and training to parents:
Hughes Elementary School offers training and materials to parents through the following events and activities:
Kindergarten Orientation (incoming students and parents attend)
Parent workshops (daycare provided)
Take Home Book Program
Provide lists of community resources to individual parents and assistance in accessing these resources, as needed
Summer Reading Program at the Public Library
Monthly school newsletter/Classroom newsletter/ District publications
District Website Learning Tab - provides parents with materials and resources to help their child achieve success
Volunteer situations
Family Fun Night
Scholastic Book Fair
Field Trips
Hughes Elementary will educate teachers, Title I staff, and principals regarding the value of parent involvement, ways to communicate effectively with parents, and implementation of parent programs.
Hughes Elementary School values and respects parent involvement in the school community.
Parent involvement will be part of the professional development plan. Staff will engage in P.D. and District provided P.D. to learn how to implement new ideas for effective parent communication. When situations occur that involve students or the welfare of the entire community, parents are always the first point of contact. District allows teachers to utilize district websites to post classroom newsletters and materials and resources to the classroom pages.
Hughes Elementary will coordinate parent involvement activities with other programs:
Hughes Elementary School will work to coordinate programs to ensure success for all:
Kindergarten Orientation: activities to educate preschool parents, daycares and community stakeholders on Kindergarten expectations.
Summer Library Program
Building tour: New students and their parents invited to Hughes to tour the building
Intervention programs in grades K-5
Hughes Elementary will Inform parents of school and parent programs in a timely and practical format:
Hughes Elementary will ensure that all parents are informed in a timely and user-friendly manner, Hughes Elementary will provide:
District websites updates
E-mail reminders of upcoming events
School Newsletter/Classroom Newsletter/District Newsletter all written in a language parents can understand
Phone calls, home visits
Weekly take home folders
Hughes Elementary will provide support for parental involvement at their request.
Hughes Elementary School will make every effort to accommodate parent requests to ensure that students and parent individual needs are met in order to foster more positive parent involvement
Part IV: Accessibility
Hughes Elementary will have parent involvement activities, accessible to all parents, including those with disabilities and parents who use English as their 2nd language.
Hughes Elementary School will provide:
Flexible meeting times
Handicapped Accessible Facilities
School Newsletter/Classroom Newsletter/District Newsletter all written in a language parents can understand
Collaboration with community agencies;( i.e.,Mobile Dentist; Community Mental Health)
Home visits
Transportation, assistance, (i.e., Dial-A-Ride)